- We first need to know whether you are paying for yourself or paying on behalf of an organisation, such as an employer, to sponsor one or more nominated people. Please choose one of the following by clicking on the appropriate box:
Personal Transaction
Choose this if you are paying with your own money. You will also be eligible for a free place at next year's conference and our monthly members-only Zoom webinars.
£130 for 2 years
Corporate Transaction
Choose this if you are paying with corporate funds and/or to register as a proxy payer such as a budget holder or accounts clerk (you will not incur any additional cost as a payment facilitator but we will need to know your contact details separately from those whom you are sponsoring).
£130 per person for 2 years
The National Association of Data Protection Officers (NADPO) offers a programme of conference events for our members and guest attendees including invited speakers giving presentations on specialist topical issues relevant to the Information Governance profession*, networking opportunities, and plenary discussions. Our AGM is normally held as part of the November event.
*Subject matter includes Data Protection Act (DPA), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Freedom of Information Act (FOI), Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA), Environmental Information Regulations (EIR), Privacy & Electronic Information Regulations (PECR), Human Rights Act (HRA), Inspire Regulations (relates to spatial location data), Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations, (RPSI), Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA), etc.
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