Anyone with an interest in information law and rights can join NADPO. No qualification is required, although a familiarity with the subject is recommended due to the degree of technical content in our events and resources.
By joining NADPO, you will become part of an active community of information professionals.
Your membership will give you access to:
- Quarterly 1-day conferences with expert speakers on information rights and law topics
- News, updates and expert opinion on information rights and law
- Presentations from past conferences
- Opportunities to attend events held by associated organisations
Simply visit the Join Us page to register as a NADPO member. There is an annual membership fee of £130 which includes attendance at all NADPO events.
We offer both Personal and Corporate memberships. Both are priced on a per person basis for named individuals, because our main costs (venue capacity and catering) are proportionate to the head count attending. Personal memberships are individually funded. Corporate memberships are sponsored by an employer. Non-members can also purchase guest tickets for events from the Events webpage without needing a login, and without further obligation.
When members join they are assigned a login account linked to their email address. Online renewal of membership, booking event places (free to current members), and access to the members-only document store can be achieved whilst logged in to their membership account. Corporate sponsors (such as an authorising manager or an accounts clerk) also get a named login account to facilitate payment but unless that person is also nominated as a sponsored member they are not entitled to free event places or access to the document store.
Personal membership is portable between employers, or whilst freelance, a student, unemployed or retired.
However when a sponsored employee leaves their employment, then unless that sponsor agrees for them to continue as a member for the remainder of the paid for period, then that membership is potentially transferable to a named successor in post (if requested by the sponsor). There is no facility online to reassign memberships (sponsors please discuss with NADPO if relevant).
If you change your email address (because of change of name on marriage, change of internet service provider, change of employer, etc) a fresh account will need to be created linked to the new credentials- please contact NADPO to discuss. Whether you need to pay again personally for continuing membership will depend on whether you subscribed personally or were sponsored at the old email address by a previous employer, whether or not the previous sponsor (old employer) agrees to write off their investment, or whether a replacement sponsor (new employer) comes forward to pay.
At this time, we cannot offer CPD credits for NADPO events due to the administrative burden required. However, if you would like a certificate of attendance, we can provide this for you on request.